Economic Development

  • Grow Cedar Valley Releases 2021 Cedar Valley Fact Sheet

    Grow Cedar Valley Releases 2021 Cedar Valley Fact Sheet

    posted on Wednesday, May 12, 2021 in Economic Development

    Each year, Grow Cedar Valley staff produces the Fact Sheet. The Fact Sheet serves to provide the public a glimpse of the Cedar Valley and inform those looking to invest in the area.

  • Grow Cedar Valley and Red Cedar Partner to Bring Innovation into Business Retention & Expansion

    Grow Cedar Valley and Red Cedar Partner to Bring Innovation into Business Retention & Expansion

    posted on Tuesday, April 20, 2021 in Economic Development

    Grow Cedar Valley's role, with the collaboration of Red Cedar, is identifying and prioritizing the underlying regional assets, networks, culture, and community support necessary for business innovation to thrive, providing support to see the longer-term objectives through.

  • 2020 Cedar Valley Regional Business Interview Report – Industry Insights

    2020 Cedar Valley Regional Business Interview Report – Industry Insights

    posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 in Economic Development

    The Cedar Valley Regional Business Interview Report highlights the current business climate in the Cedar Valley. Dozens of interviews take place each year by our team in partnership with area economic development professionals.

  • Laborshed Study to be Conducted in the Cedar Valley

    Laborshed Study to be Conducted in the Cedar Valley

    posted on Tuesday, April 13, 2021 in Economic Development

    Grow Cedar Valley is partnering with Iowa Workforce Development and Iowa Economic Development Authority to complete a Laborshed employment study for the Cedar Valley area.  This study will geographically define which communities contribute to the Cedar Valley's workforce, regardless of political boundaries. This defined area is called a Laborshed area and is based upon commuting patterns.

  • Skubal Joins Economic Development Council's (IEDC) Education and Certification Advisory Committee (ECC)

    Skubal Joins Economic Development Council's (IEDC) Education and Certification Advisory Committee (ECC)

    posted on Thursday, February 11, 2021 in Economic Development

    In January, Lisa Rivera Skubal, CEcD joined International Economic Development Council's (IEDC) Education and Certification Advisory Committee (ECC).

  • Grow Cedar Valley Economic Development Update

    Grow Cedar Valley Economic Development Update

    posted on Thursday, January 21, 2021 in Economic Development

    Grow Cedar Valley is the leading economic development organization in the Cedar Valley. This work spans business attraction, business retention, talent attraction, talent development, etc. In this update, hear announcements and projects that are currently taking place in the Cedar Valley.

  • Grow Cedar Valley Air Service Working Group Update

    Grow Cedar Valley Air Service Working Group Update

    posted on Monday, January 11, 2021 in Economic Development

    Grow Cedar Valley Air Service Working Group's goal is to assist the City of Waterloo and the Waterloo Airport Board to maximize the economic benefit of the Waterloo Regional Airport for the Cedar Valley. The working group's primary goal is to facilitate improvements in commercial air service at the Airport. Group members include private and public partners from across the Cedar Valley who have a strong interest in further growing and developing the Waterloo Regional Airport.

  • Governor Reynolds Announces COVID-19 Iowa Small Business Relief Program

    Governor Reynolds Announces COVID-19 Iowa Small Business Relief Program

    posted on Tuesday, March 24, 2020 in Economic Development

    Governor Reynolds announced Monday Morning the launch of a new Iowa Small Business Relief Program that will provide financial assistance to small businesses that have been economically impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. The program offers eligible small businesses grants ranging from $5,000-$25,000 in addition to offering Iowa businesses a deferral of sales and use or withholding taxes due and waiver of penalty and interest.

  • Iowa's 2020 Competitive Dashboard

    Iowa's 2020 Competitive Dashboard

    posted on Tuesday, March 10, 2020 in Economic Development

    On Tuesday, March 10, Executive Director of the Iowa Business Council, Joe Murphy, presented on how Iowa measures and how the state is competing nationally in five indicators: economic growth; workforce and education; governance; health and wellness; and demographics and diversity.

  • How is Iowa Emerging in ‘The Next Economy'?

    How is Iowa Emerging in ‘The Next Economy'?

    posted on Monday, March 9, 2020 in Economic Development

    Where is the economy headed in the next decade? Will the southwestern edge of the country see the same wild increase in jobs as it saw in the last decade, or is the tide changing?